mie si lui adrian schiop si cred catalin furtuna ne place piesa asta in mod special
I was born with the wrong signIn the wrong houseWith the wrong ascendancyI took the wrong roadThat led to the wrong tendenciesI was in the wrong place at the wrong timeFor the wrong reason and the wrong rhymeOn the wrong day of the wrong weekI used the wrong method with the wrong techniqueWrongWrongThere's something wrong with me chemicallySomething wrong with me inherentlyThe wrong mix in the wrong genesI reached the wrong ends by the wrong meansIt was the wrong planIn the wrong handsWith the wrong theory for the wrong manThe wrong lies, on the wrong vibesThe wrong questions with the wrong repliesWrongWrongI was marching to the wrong drumWith the wrong scumPissing out the wrong energyUsing all the wrong linesAnd the wrong signsWith the wrong intensityI was on the wrong page of the wrong bookWith the wrong rendition of the wrong hookMade the wrong move, every wrong nightWith the wrong tune played till it sounded right yeahWrongWrongToo longWrongI was born with the wrong signIn the wrong houseWith the wrong ascendancyI took the wrong roadThat led to the wrong tendenciesI was in the wrong place at the wrong timeFor the wrong reason and the wrong rhymeOn the wrong day of the wrong weekI used the wrong method with the wrong technique
asta intimplator se tot desfasura in ult ora in timp ce citeam intr-o revista de femei un interviu cu elsa exarhu si apoi o chestie despre cum se autodistrug femeile:). acum trebuie sa spun ca mie ee mi se pare insuportabila:) si ca interviul fix la fel, si ca si-a facut efectul pt ca eu sint o fiinta care se hraneste cu ceea ce e rau in ea si careia ii lipseste bucuria de a construi. so a mers, si-a facut efectul, m-a activat f tare:) si acum intrebarea mea este: intr-o scara a evolutiei:) who would be first: ee sau autodistrusele? eu nu pot sa pun intrebarea asta fara sa sune egoist si manipulativ. dar totusi. mi-am mai adus aminte si de un scriitor roman 90ist care mi-a spus ca din familiile ok social dar nefericite ies cel mai repede autodistrusele si mie mi s-a desfasurat dintr-o data f clar atunci de ce se intimpla asta, dar acum nu cred ca mai stiu exact:). de fapt nu voiam sa spun nimic cu postul asta decit ca ma obsedeaza piesa si mai ales faza cu the wrong method with the wrong technique, suna asa de perfect si precis. adica e faza ca toata piesa e asa metafizica si predestinarea si etc si apoi vine asta care arata ca tipul de fapt e cu method si technique si ca de fapt el insusi, cu multa acuratete... si ma rog mixul dintre ele 2. si in al 2lea rind ca ma enerveaza elsa exarhu asa perfect neargumentat. si in al 3lea rind ca o sa incerc cind am net sa fac ca blogul sa nu se mai numeasca exitentrance ci the wrong technique si sa fie putin mai intens:). sau de fapt sa fac altul. ma enerveaza putin ca nu mai am exercitiu si nici o coerenta dar JUR ca intre piesa si interioritatea mea:) si faptul ca ee mi se pare superenervanta exista o coerenta perfecta:), chiar daca nu acum nu aici. cam asta, see you multumesc adrian
Labels: the wrong tune
ihim, si mie mi place clipul si ce sugestioneaza el, alaturi de versuri binenteles....e imnul ratatilor care dau vina pe ghinion?!
se poate sa aflu ptr ce i mulrtumesti lu adi? sau deja intru intr o oala unde nasu meu nu are ca cauta....
pt piesa el mi-a trimis-o
ce comentariu ti-am sters:)
am moderare am enemies:p
hate and love are so last year http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MhRj_48-7w
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