it's been such an an amazingly beautiful lovely delightfulnight that my heart might just exxxplode in all kind of very ellectric limegrreennmussical stuff:p.
ive beean to a city i love which is bxl and i haven*t been there forrabout six months althg i am so very much inlove with that city that iwould like to lick Hees eyebrows withpinkviolet spit. beann to a concert - saw 2bands ilove and was soooooooo beautiful driving veryfast to getthere and then back with all kind of redbulls in my chestcar fullofthat veryparticular smell and hugeglittterring eyes. and thenthereoverr hundredsofpeople heads calling specialfriend to listen for10seconds afriendofmine s been to thesame concert 2days ago in paris and i thought i should call him too but i didn't cause suddennnly certain sadnes but there itwas and afterwards i had a coffee and thenleft. anddone of the most clearsimpleandbeautiful things in the world is drivingatnight on music feeling so safe as ihad 3loadedguns in my head and 1000goldenpurplefingers coveringthe sunburnedskin. i wanted just to gethome and write that is wassobeautiful and this is not theeasyyiestperiod of my life so it should matter. but then someone cried forhelp and i just sat there silently lookingfor stuff and then saw a guy who s talkingaboutme on the internet with a extremelydirrty word and just did smile atthat and atabout7 i justfellasleep and now i am having another cofeee and lijkeanddislijke this dirrtylight on my dirrtykool face - that was the dirrty word - and thinking i should just put an end to all this beauty beecause it is breaking my heart.
Labels: death for babies
with just littleeffort from me this should have helped the guy imm talkingabout but i amnotsure so its just for fun
crapi dacascrii in romaneste?
f frumos ruxandra, ti-a placut de kazu? la paris a avut o rochita scurta cu umeri mari si a fost f autista, si-a tinut pletele pe fata tot timpul mai putin atunci cand a pus mana pe chitara. eu m-am simtit f bine si se pare ca si tu la fel :) la slow hands toata lumea sarea.
da dar acuma nu ma mai simt asa de bine:(
de ce? mess daca n-ai chef aici.
s a redeschis clubul literar,ruxandra. sper ca de acum vei inceta cu intrebarile pe mess, da? iti urez succes si sa scrii poezii frumoase pe club literar.
daca sterg comentariul asta or sa apara 17 in locul lui. dar nu sint foarte fericita cu el.
nu ma sterge!
deci ruxandra, te rog sa nu ma mai lingusesti pe forum la club literar ca o sa ti spun lingusetia (mi a zis adrian ce ingusetia e ceva republica separatista prin caucaz si ca mai mult de o gluma catzavencu nu meriti)
with a extremelydirrty - nu asa facem ci in primul rind spunem aN inainte de o vocala, si oricum spunem fara a articula: in extremely dirty terms:) sau using daca vrem sa fim tocilari dar de fapt spunem badmouthing pt ca suntem ruxandra si noi asa vbim
asta e doar pt tine ai moderare practic ti se rupe:)(serios)
unele sint din neatentie Kim asta de ex stiu sigur ca e. cealalta nu, pentru ca am mai facut-o si de atunci. desparte-te daca vrei.
la cealalta raspund dincolo
doar ca, de asemenea, pe unele le vad dupa, dar mi s-ar parea degradant practic sa intru in blogger numai ca sa le modific. ar trebui sa iti placa asta.
da, e cool
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